Recipe: 2021 Easy and Tasty Silken Tofu Steak

Easy and Tasty Silken Tofu Steak. Easy and Tasty Silken Tofu Steak. I usually make this when we're having teppanyaki-style dinner. Make sure to eat them freshly cooked.

Easy and Tasty Silken Tofu Steak The first thing to note in the recipe does it call for regular or silken tofu. Regular tofu is most of the water-packed tofu on the market. It is in the refrigerator section as is used in recipes such as stir-fries, scrambles, and cutlets. You can cook Easy and Tasty Silken Tofu Steak using 2 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Easy and Tasty Silken Tofu Steak

  1. Prepare 1 block of Silken tofu.
  2. It's 1 of Ponzu.

Like I said, this easy marinated tofu is a great beginner tofu recipe. This easy recipe is great for "tofu beginners." For best results, cut the tofu block in half and wrap well in a terrycloth kitchen towel. Let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour so the towel absorbs excess water. Tofu doesn't have to be boring and plain.

Easy and Tasty Silken Tofu Steak instructions

  1. Slice the tofu into pieces 3-4 cm thick..
  2. Evaporate or dry off the excess water from the tofu..
  3. Toast both sides in a frying pan. They are extremely delicate - handle them with care..
  4. When the tofu steaks are cooked thoroughly, please enjoy them with some ponzu..

In fact, it's super delicious, extremely versatile, and packed with protein! Tofu is an excellent source of protein, and it can be incorporated into a myriad of different recipes from enchiladas and un-meat loaves, to breakfast hash and lunch wraps. Baked Tofu Haiku: "Love to bake tofu. Easy marinated tofu, a super simple recipe that makes tofu tastes amazing. Tofu is probably the most popular meat substitute in vegan recipes, so when I went plant-based, I decided to try it for the first time.

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