Easiest Way to Cook 2021 Chilled Tofu with Spicy Toppings

Chilled Tofu with Spicy Toppings. Use the highest-quality, freshest silken tofu you can find for this simple, no-cook preparation, which combines tofu's cool, creamy blandness with a pungent sauce and the crunch of freshly picked raw corn and peanuts. Shiso, a member of the mint family whose flavor carries hints of mint and licorice. Drain the tofu briefly on paper towels, then invert on a platter.

Chilled Tofu with Spicy Toppings The combinations of topping ingredients for Chilled Tofu are limitless, but today I have included four toppings with quite different textures and flavours. Boiled okra gives a slightly slimy texture but goes well with salty and spicy mentaiko. This topping is accompanied by soy and mirin-based dashi sauce. You can have Chilled Tofu with Spicy Toppings using 5 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chilled Tofu with Spicy Toppings

  1. You need 1 block of Silken tofu.
  2. You need 1/2 of pack ●Natto.
  3. It's 1 of ● Kimchi or salty kimchi shiokara.
  4. Prepare 1 of ●Grated ginger.
  5. Prepare 1 of Dashi soy sauce or concentrated mentsuyu.

We usually top the chilled tofu with katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes), green onions, and grated ginger. For a vegan or vegetarian version, you can Hiyayakko is very versatile and you can be creative with the toppings and seasonings. As the chilled tofu is mild in taste, it complements an amazing range. Carefully take the silk tofu out of the packaging.

Chilled Tofu with Spicy Toppings instructions

  1. Top the tofu with the ingredients marked ● and pour the dashi soy sauce on top..

Let it fall directly onto the serving plate. You can also let the water drain off first by opening only one slit. Chilled tofu (Hiyayakko) is a simple Japanese cuisine. This is the best tofu recipe as for a summer appetizer as it is served cold but can be part of In this video we show you two delicious versions to try. But feel free to experiment with your own toppings.

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