Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Chocolate Banana Silken Tofu Dessert

Chocolate Banana Silken Tofu Dessert. Place the banana, tofu, sugar, cocoa powder, soy milk, and cinnamon into a blender. The Best Vegan Silken Tofu Dessert Recipes on Yummly Musician's Dessert, Apple Cinnamon Orange Rice Cake Dessert, Cherry Clafouti [vegan].

Chocolate Banana Silken Tofu Dessert Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler or in microwave. Add remaining banana in small batches and process until smooth. Add vanilla, brown sugar, salt and vinegar and blend. You can cook Chocolate Banana Silken Tofu Dessert using 4 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chocolate Banana Silken Tofu Dessert

  1. Prepare 1 tbsp of plain natural yogurt.
  2. Prepare 1 packages of firm silken tofu.
  3. You need 1 of banana, sliced.
  4. Prepare 1 bag of of semisweet/ dark chocolate chunks.

Add melted chocolate chips (will be warm), pureeing until smooth and uniform texture. It is made using silken tofu, baked bananas, raw cacao and a moderate amount of icing sugar. Quick and easy chocolate banana tofu pudding is super low-fat and very low in calories too. Very simply made with bananas, cocoa, tofu, and sugar.

Chocolate Banana Silken Tofu Dessert step by step

  1. Put the bag of chocolate chunks into a jug and pour on hot water..
  2. Leave until the chocolate is melted...about 5 minutes.
  3. Take the chocolate chunks bag out of the hot water and allow to cool a little bit..
  4. Put first three ingredients into a jug mixer.
  5. Snip the top off the bag of chocolate chunks and pour into the jug mixer..
  6. Mix on high power, stopping every now and then to scrape down the sides. Do this until very smooth..
  7. Pour into dessert dishes..
  8. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour..

Place the banana, tofu, sugar, cocoa powder, soy milk and cinnamon into a blender. The silken tofu not only makes these brownies egg free but is also why they are so moist. In addition, the maple syrup used in place of the sugar means these chocolate fudge brownies are also void of refined sugar. A simple blend of the tofu with water, maple syrup, cocoa powder, oil, and vanilla is combined with the dry ingredients, poured into a pan, and baked until set. It's velvety smooth texture and delicious sweet taste is sure to satisfy any chocolate craving!

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