Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Apple crumble pie

Apple crumble pie. Yummy variety of apple pie that is quick and easy. It was a hit with my boyfriend's pals in university whenever I made this favorite! The best homemade Apple Crumble Pie recipe uses only a few ingredients and is made completely from scratch!

Apple crumble pie Apple Crumble Pie - sweet, buttery, moist, tender and crunchy pie with delicious apples and cinnamon. Served with vanilla ice cream is perfect sweet yet. Apple Crumble Pie Recipe & Video. You can cook Apple crumble pie using 8 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Apple crumble pie

  1. It's 8 of small apples.
  2. Prepare 1 of - 3 oz. box vanilla pudding (cook & serve).
  3. It's 1/2 can of sweetened condensed milk.
  4. You need 1 tsp of cinnamon.
  5. Prepare 1/4 tsp of allspice.
  6. Prepare 2 tbsp of lowfat margerine.
  7. It's 2/3 cup of graham cracker crumbs.
  8. Prepare 1 of prepared pie crust.

There are three parts to this Apple Crumble Pie; the pastry, the apples, and the crumble topping. The crumb topping of this apple crumb pie recipe is awesome, which may explain why dessert always disappears fast. This is our easiest apple crumble recipe, full of caramel flavours in the brown sugar and a hint of cinnamon. This is the easiest apple crumble recipe and an all-time favourite quick and easy dessert.

Apple crumble pie instructions

  1. Thaw pie crust per instructions and set aside..
  2. Preheat oven to 400°F..
  3. Core, peel and dice apples..
  4. Add vanilla pudding mix to apples and stir..
  5. Add sweetened condensed milk and stir to mix.
  6. Add cinnamon and allspice and stir to mix..
  7. Place apple mixture in pie crust. Place pie on baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
  8. Melt margerine (30 seconds in microwave) and add graham cracker crumbs..
  9. Stir to blend margerine and graham cracker crumbs. Will be moist but not soggy..
  10. After 10 minutes, remove pie and sprinkle graham cracker crumbs on top of the pie..
  11. Bake another 10 minutes at 400°F..
  12. Remove and cool 30 minutes before serving..

Apple Crumble Pie is made with a tender crust that is filled with juicy, spiced apples and topped with a delicious, buttery streusel topping. This homemade dutch apple pie is easier to make than a classic. This easy apple crumble pie has all the gloriousness of classic apple pie with the added gift of a buttery, streusely, crumbly topping that is so yummy, you'll cry. Crumble-topped apple pies used to be my absolute favorite type of pie. When I was a little kid, I was even known to ask servers in a restaurants whether their pies were crumble-topped or not.

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